Adela Bustamante



spiritual retreats facilitator

micro AND MACRO dosis assisted therapy

Vedic AstroloGY

Ayurvedic Consultations / Ancestral Work / Earth Based Animistic Practices / Plant Medicine Ceremony Facilitation and Integration / Cacao / Vedic Astrology / Circles of Women

Adela is a ceremonialist, animist, sahumadora, medicine woman, and guardian of ancient technologies passed down from her elders in the high Andes of Ecuador and in the Chumash territory of the Central coast of California where she’s completed her initiation into the Red Path of the Lakota tradition with her teacher Hua Anwa of Cherokee/Mexica/Mayan blood.

Adela was born and raised in Quito, Ecuador.

At 15 years old her first introduction into the world of holistic and spiritual healing came through the teachings of the master plants Ayahuasca and San Pedro of the Ecuadorian Amazon and the Andes respectively. From then on she nourished and cultivated a relationship with these plant allies.

Adela is a mestizo woman who proudly recognizes her Ecuadorian Quechua blood mixed with Spanish, Portuguese and Basque colonizers ancestry; a combined ethnicity of polarizing forces positions her to skillfully weave into her offerings Eastern knowledge with traditional indigenous medicine.

Adela is the daughter of the Apus -the Sacred Andes mountains. By being born a daughter of colonization, resistance and imagination, she centers her values by living the two most important principles 0f the Andean cosmovision:

The SUMAQ KAWSAY - El Buen Vivir or The Art of Good Living which promotes the idea that the collective wellbeing of the community is achieved through harmony within nature and with one another, human and more than human.


The AYNI - Cooperation y solidaridad reciproca entre los pueblos or The Art of Sacred Reciprocity

From the five principles that define the Andean way of life: munay (love, benevolence, loving-kindness), yachay (to know and to remember, abiding wisdom found in ancient memories), llankay (honest labor, to be of service, personal power through self dicipline), kawsay (the life force, everything which is connected through a web of energy), and ayni (reciprocity). Among them, ayni is regarded as the most important principle, as it provides the backbone of life.

It is the exchange of energy between humans, nature, and the universe; by reciprocating all the good that comes to you from from others, from nature, the ancestors, and all the elemental forces, then the cycle gets completed. Ayni guides the four principles.

Eighteen years ago Adela arrived to the Tongva territory, stolen lands we know today as Los Angeles, California, to work in the entertainment business. With a degree in Film Studies and her great affinity and love for the visual arts, she thrived for many years producing photo shoots for motion pictures and for several musicians and artists.

After the birth of her daughters, Mia (15) and Lily (11) , she recognized the call of her land and welcomed the responsibility to deepen her relationship with the Earth Medicines pivoting towards the world of holistic healing and slowly designing what the next chapter of her life would look like.

Adela’s path and dharma is rooted in her South American lineage, she is deeply grateful for India and the teachings of Ayurveda and its sisters sciences of Yoga and Vedic Astrology, which became bridges to celebrate her indigenous roots and return to the cosmovision of her original land.

She feels immense gratitude and deep humility to serve as protector and guardian of the sacred technologies of the abuelos and abuelas of the Andes and the Amazon. Her reciprocity and life’s duty is to create ceremony and ritual based on animistic practices, mentoring one on one, and holding spaces for deep transformation and remembrance.

Taita Imbabura one of the great Apus of Adela’s homeland.

Adela is a mother who lives her life as her art, she’s a curandera and modern medicine woman, a life long student, an avid photographer and citizen of the world. She has been certified as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and Vedic Astrologer. Adela has been facilitating retreats of plant medicine: Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Psilocybin mushrooms for the past eight years.

She also offers individual psychedelic assisted therapy and microdosis guided protocols.

Altar designed by Adela to honor the PAKWAR RAYMI or March Equinox.


Adela invites you to experience individualized holistic medicine that can be integrated into any other medicinal practice without interference.

True healing begins from within with dedication and commitment.

Mentoring and teaching you to be your own healer with the ability to awaken that potential inside of you.

Whether it is a condition you have been dealing with for a long time or you just want to incorporate more holistic and natural routines, foods, and practices into your daily life.

She can teach you the tools and practices to deepen and heal your connection and relationship with your ancestors, a most important pathway to heal deep seated trauma.

Adela can assist you navigating with great ease and comfort women’s pre and post menopausal issues

Digestive issues

Skin conditions

Thyroid and hormonal imbalances

Stress, anxiety and depression

Detox and rejuvenation

Chronic Fatigue

Ancestral Healing & Womb Healing

Women’s transitions

Altar for Hapé ceremony at one of Adela’s plant ceremony retreats.

Ayurveda focuses on preventing illness by helping you align your daily habits with the natural rhythms of nature. It is an ancient science that has been passed down successfully for thousands of years, always evolving towards the modern times we live in, yet rooted in timeless Vedic wisdom.

Mia and Lily Ayurveda is named after her daughters, her daily source of inspiration, her best teachers. Ayurveda is family medicine.

***Languages spoken Español, Italian and French.


🌸 Adela

Holding space at the INTI RAYMI celebration or Summer Solstice.